Gamma Upsilon at Austin College

Home » Res Gestae » Gamma Upsilon at Austin College

By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

From April 15, 2010 to April 15, 2011, Eta

Sigma Phi, in conjunction with the Austin

College Classics Club, participated in the

following activities:

In 2010, we held readings of Plautus’

Menaechmi and Aristophanes’ Lysistrata;

attended the Greek Food Festival in

Dallas, Texas; sponsored a Baklava Fundraising

Event; and attended a performance

of Aeschylus’ Oresteia in Arlington, Texas

by a touring troupe of Greek actors and


In Spring 2011, we co-sponsored a Latin

Day/Area C, JCL Competition at Austin

College; gave out Valentine’s cards with

messages in Latin and Greek; showed the

Movie 300; sponsored mock-gladiator

fights as part of College Carnival; did

another Baklava fundraiser; and presented

a Megalensia festival in the AC Pub, featuring

a satirical skit written and performed

by Classics students and classic rock music

performed by Caesar’s Section led by our

faculty sponsor, Jim Johnson. Also, our

sponsor and one member attended the Eta

Sigma Phi Convention in Austin, Texas.