Chapter Advisors, remember to request your translation exams! Contact Dr. Joe Garnjbost
Due to the pandemic, exams will be available online (we’re trying something new this year!). These materials will be sent as e-mail attachments from Emma Vanderpool ( The advisor will make copies as needed and administer the tests during the weeks of February 22-26 and/or March 1-5, 2021. Completed tests must be received no later than March 12, 2021. More information on accessing and administering these exams will be shared with you upon your request to participate.
Request by February 19th, 2021
Administer during the weeks of February 22-26th and/or March 1-5th, 2021
Submit by March 12th, 2021
Exams include: Intermediate Latin, Advanced Latin, Latin Prose Composition, Intermediate Ancient Greek, Advanced Ancient Greek, and Koine Greek
Monetary prizes and bragging rights to the top three in each category! Winners announced at the Virtual Annual Convention, April 17th, 2021.
Notate Bene: only three submissions per category for a possible total of 18 exams. Students may take more than one exam.
Emma Vanderpool, former Megale Prytanis, is the primary contact for technology issues, administering the exams, submitting the exams, and similar.
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