All active members shall be eligible to hold any office, with the exception that the Grand President shall be a senior while holding office. Any officer with the exception of the Grand President may be re-elected.
SECTION 1. The Grand President shall preside over all meetings, shall be ex-officio member of all committees, and shall be chair of the Grand Executive Council. The Grand President shall see that all resolutions passed by the National Convention are carried into effect, and shall perform such other duties as are in the purview of the Grand President of similar societies.
SECTION 2. The Grand Vice-President automatically shall become chair of the Committee on Reactivation and Expansion, submitting a written report to the succeeding convention concerning petitions received, approved, and rejected by the Grand Executive Council.
SECTION 3. The Grand Secretary shall attend, and record the minutes of, all meetings which shall be held, and these shall be transcribed and kept in a book belonging to the Society. The Grand Secretary shall submit in written form to the chapters any amendments which are to be considered for final adoption at the next National Convention.
SECTION 4. The Grand Treasurer and the Executive Secretary shall receive and have custody of all funds belonging to the Society, and shall disburse said funds from time to time as the needs of the Society may require. They shall keep accurate records of accounts in a book or books belonging to the Society, and shall enter therein accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements, and an accurate account of such sums as may be owing to the Society from time to time, likewise an account of all indebtedness the Society may from time to time incur, together with a record of any other financial transactions in which the Society may engage. The Grand Treasurer and the Executive Secretary shall submit a written financial report to the Annual Convention.
All officers are required to be present for the entire annual convention (Spring, 2021) and represent Eta Sigma Phi at the SCS/AIA meeting (January 7-10, 2021 in Chicago, Il). Funding available for travel expenses. Officers will also maintain all social media sites (e.g. Facebook and Instagram.)
A photograph of you (JPEG preferred)
A short bio (school, chapter, year, major/minor, etc.)
A statement explaining why you want to be considered for national office. (1-page maximum)
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