Registration Open for 94th Annual “Virtual” Convention (Saturday April 9, 2022)

Home » News » Registration Open for 94th Annual “Virtual” Convention (Saturday April 9, 2022)

By Katherine Panagakos on March 15, 2022.

We ask all who are attending to fill out the registration form below. This way, we have your email and address if we need to mail anything to you (there will be Zoom door prizes!).

If you are responsible for paying the chapter registration, please proceed to the Eta Sigma Phi store (the "Regalia" page) and look for "Annual Convention Registration" to make your payment. You may also mail a check or money order to the National Office.

Delegates are not registered until your designated representative has made payment.

Registration fees are not refundable.

You should receive a copy of this form via email. If you do not, please check your junk/spam mail folder. If that fails, the Executive Secretary can forward a copy of the form to you. The Executive Secretary is Dr. Katherine Panagakos (
