The Beta chapter holds weekly study sessions
for Classics majors and minors, where
students can chat, do homework, and get
free tutoring from upper level students in
Greek or Latin.
During the Fall Quarter, we held a
Classics mixer for students to meet and
speak with the faculty of the Classics department.
This included free snacks and a
game of Classical Pictionary, and was very
During the Winter Quarter, we produced
the annual Eta Sigma Phi calendar,
with students and faculty from the Classics
department featured in scenes from
In the Spring Quarter, we held a Classics
movie night, watching Medea with free
pizza and pop.
Our chapter co-sponsors an annual
lamb roast with the Classics department,
where awards are given out by the faculty
to students who have done exceptionally
well during the year, and where the senior
gift is presented to the faculty by outgoing
students. This event is catered and always
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