This was a quiet year for Beta Kappa chapter
at College of Notre Dame of Maryland,
following a very busy year in which we
celebrated our 60th anniversary. In the fall,
some of our members traveled to Philadelphia
to enjoy the Cleopatra exhibit at the
Franklin Institute.
We observed the Ides of March with
our annual Sister Mary Gratia Memorial
Lecture, which dealt with events in
Rome following that fateful day. Dr. Henry
Bender, on the faculty of St. Joseph’s University
in Philadelphia, gave an excellent
illustrated lecture entitled “Monuments
and Message in the Rome of Augustus.”
In April, we inducted three new members.
In conjunction with the induction
ceremony we attended a program at the
Johns Hopkins University entitled “From
Ashes to Monuments: Herculaneum and
Pompeii in the 18th Century.”
This was a great preparation for our summer
experience in Italy, when some of us
will be visiting Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Sara Priebe, our chapter prytanis, is
currently doing student teaching and planning
to complete her Master’s degree in
teaching at the end of this year.
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