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Saturday, January 7, 1:30–3:30 PM, room to be announced: ΗΣΦ at the APA/AIA joint meeting

February 1 deadlines:
· Summer Travel Scholarship Applications
· Summer Scholarship for Fieldwork in Classical Archaeology Applications
· Bernice L. Fox Teacher Training Scholarship Applications
· Abstracts and Cover Pages for the ΗΣΦ panel at the American Philological Association

February 10: deadline for Maureen Dallas Watkins Greek and Latin Translation Contest requests and submission. (If paper copies of testing materials are desired, such
a request must be received by February 1.)

February 18: deadline for completed Maureen Dallas Watkins Greek and Latin Translation Contest tests postmarked

March 16–18: 84th National Convention at the invitation of Alpha Mu at the University of Missouri Columbia

May 15: Chapter Res Gestae due (submit by email to the editor of NUNTIUS: glirby@wm.edu)

September 2: Battle of Actium

October 1: deadline for nominating Lifetime Achievement Awardees: submit nominations to the Chair of the Board of Trustees or the Executive Secretary

October 15: Vergil’s birthday

November 1–3: CAMWS-SS, Tallahassee, FL

Saturday, November 3:  Eta Sigma Phi Panel at CAMWS–Southern Section honoring Thomas J. Sienkewicz

November 15: annual reports of chapter officers due

December 8: Horace’s birthday

December 17–23 Saturnalia, eugepae!

December 31: Deadline for call of papers for the 2012 convention