Iota Alpha Chapter at The College of New Jersey

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By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

This year we hosted several classically
themed movie nights where we watched
Clash of the Titans, 300, Life of Brian,
Agora, and A Funny Thing Happened on
the Way to the Forum. To raise funds, we
sold Owl Cupcakes and Baklava at our
Classics Bake Sale. Among our other
activities were: a trip to the Metropolitan
Museum of Art to see the Greek and
Roman exhibits; two symposia, one each
semester, on the topics of “What is the
Self?” and “What is Justice?”; participation
in a meeting of all campus honor societies
to promote better communication and
event planning between honor societies
and to discuss funding options, since we
are ineligible to get funding from the Student
Finance Board; two chapter-hosted
lectures, one on Democracy and Tyranny
in the Late Republic by adjunct Professor
DiLuzio and another on Ancient Numismatics
by adjunct Professor Pilney; and the
induction of four new members into Eta
Sigma Phi.

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