Iota Delta at Arizona State

Home » Res Gestae » Iota Delta at Arizona State

By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

The officers of Eta Sigma Phi, Iota Delta
Chapter, respectfully submit this chapter
• The Iota Delta Chapter, under the guidance
of Professor Paul Arena, elected new officers in February, 2011. These new
officers are: Rhiannon Pare, President;
Jerry Davis, Vice President; Ryan Alcorn,
Treasurer; Jonathan Lang, Secretary.
• Following elections, the first priority
was the recruitment and initiation of
new members. On March 9, 2011, Iota
Delta initiated 10 new members into the
• On February 22, representatives of Iota
Delta participated in the ASU School
of International Letters and Cultures
(SILC) Language Fair. The SILC Language
Fair affords High School students
the opportunity to meet with instructors
and students of languages taught at ASU.
• The Iota Delta Chapter has entered
into an informal relationship with the
Arizona State University Classics club,
“Solis Diaboli.” This relationship allows
two organizations with similar interests
to share resources. Specifically, “Solis
Diaboli” provides a pool of potential
members to Iota Delta. In turn, Iota
Delta can offer manpower for “Solis
Diaboli” events and tutoring to members.
With Eta Sigma Phi as an Honor
Society, and “Solis Diaboli” as a social
organization, both groups will be better
situated to promote the exploration of
Classics on the Arizona State University
Campus, and the community at
large. The first joint activity for the two
organizations is scheduled for April 25,
an end of year celebration. An end of
year study session, also a joint event, is
scheduled for April 30.
• The Iota Delta Chapter has begun offering
“Study Halls” on a weekly basis. The
Study Halls are open to students of all
levels of Latin and Greek, allowing them
to come together and learn from each
other. The chapter ensures that there is
at least one member of Eta Sigma Phi,
who is in advanced Latin, present at the
Study Halls. There have been six such
Study Halls at the time of this report,
and they have been thus far successful.
• The current priorities for the officers
include the planning of events for the
Fall, 2011 semester, and making students
aware of Eta Sigma Phi.

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