We have been working hard to increase
our activity. This year, we have established
weekly “Classics Table” lunches, where
Classics students can get to know one
another and discuss Classical interests. We
have also hosted a few readings, including
Ovid, Vergil, and Martial. We had two
initiations (one in the spring and one in
the fall) by which we welcomed seven new
members. In addition, we planned end-of-the-
semester Classics department dinners,
and we designed and ordered departmental
t-shirts. Toward the end of spring semester,
we started showing Classics-related
movies, open to the whole campus. We
also planned a “Marathon Extravaganza”
which was open to the entire campus and
community to commemorate the 2500th
anniversary of the Battle of Marathon.
The event, coordinated with the Kenyon
College Earth Day Marathon, featured lectures
by professors of Classics and Biology,
several Greek Olympics events, a battlefield
simulation (tug-of-war and weights
that allowed attendees to understand the
experience of a soldier), and skateboard
chariots. Looking toward next year, we
have started making plans for monthly
readings and bimonthly movies, both of
which will be open to the entire campus.
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