This year the Zeta Xi chapter of Eta Sigma
Phi organized an assortment of new events
that emphasized the gathering of Classical
Studies enthusiasts. The chapter
established a new Classics Club, for both
ΗΣΦ members and non-members alike, so
that anyone with interests in Greek, Latin,
ancient history, and culture can share in
the social benefits of a club geared towards
Classics. A new activity that we are proud
to participate in is Iowa State University’s
annual VEISHEA Parade. On April 16th,
ten Eta Sigma Phi members dressed in
togas and stolas and paraded through
ISU along with the History Club. ΗΣΦ
conducted a costume-making seminar to
prepare for the parade, and members also
donned their classical costumes for AUC
Day. AUC Day, celebrated on April 21st, is
also a new addition to yearly ΗΣΦ events,
which included an initiation ceremony,
games, and awards.
We also sponsored a variety of events. In
the fall groups of members traveled to Des
Moines to attend mass conducted in Greek
and Latin. Students agreed that hearing
the languages spoken aloud was an interesting
experience. We continued the tradition of classically-themed movie nights by
watching such “Classics” as A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Forum. A group
of members performed sketches outside the
library one afternoon. That event included
some scenes from ancient drama, jokes, and
favorite songs translated into Latin.
In April, we welcomed 12 new members
into the Iowa State chapter of Eta Sigma
Phi. These new additions show promise
in helping the club grow in the wake of
graduating members. We look forward to
the opportunities that next year will bring
to welcome new members into our society,
and hope to continue to foster brotherhood
among our members through continued
efforts at gathering to enjoy movies, plays,
and fun.
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